Howlin' Wolf
Mid-size venue with everything from heavy metal to funk.
Upcoming Shows
Longtime 1000 STEVIES DJ SAMMY JO will be spinning the all- Stevie/Fleetwood dancefloor while "Enchantresses of Ceremony" including Valenti will be keeping the white winged talent flowing. The show will climax with the iconic "Battle of A Thousand Stevies" finale and tambourines will be tossed to Enchanted audience through the night. Neither a contest nor a karaoke show, 1000 STEVIES is the ultimate Stevie Nicks celebration - a riot of shawls, lace, baby's breath, twirling, tambourines and great performance. The show will feature a wide range of interpretations of the goddess Nicks and her music by local performers and beloved veterans of the NYC shows.