Versipel New Music

Sunday, November 7, 2021 - 7:00pm

Marigny Opera House

725 St Ferdinand
New Orleans, LA 70117

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Electroacoustic works by composers Hildegard Westerkamp and Natasha Barrett showcase the delicate sonic landscapes of melting glaciers and the anthropogenically altered landscape of a beach. Additionally, Matthew Burtner’s “Threnody (Sikuigvik)” will blend the “ecoacoustic” sounds of melting glaciers with the instrumental sounds of the Versipel Collective. The performance will be bookended by two works for large spatially-dispersed chamber ensemble works by composer James Tenney.

Katalin Lukacs, Brina Bourilea, Yuki Tanaka, Laura Patterson, Jeff Albert, Megan Ihnen, Mendel Lee, Alan Theisen, Chloe  Groth, Alexandria Smith, James May, Ryan Lafleur, Collin Mills, Kari Besharse, Philip Schuessler, Rick Snow

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