Guardians of the Groove: Exhibit of Work by Our Volunteer Photographers

Friday, November 30, 2018 - 5:00pm to Thursday, January 31, 2019 - 6:00pm

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation Gallery

1205 N. Rampart
New Orleans, LA 70116

Upcoming Shows

We're proud to announce a group exhibit of work by WWOZ's volunteer photographers, showcasing the amazing work they have done for the station. If you're a regular visitor to WWOZ's digital platforms, you've seen tons of their work. 

The exhibit, titled "Guardians of the Groove," launches on November 30 in the gallery space at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation's North Rampart Street location. It runs through January 31. Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee, a long-tenured 'OZ volunteer who has contributed thousands of photos to our archive, will be coordinating the exhibit with WWOZ staff.  

The exhibit covers four areas of images: 

  • Life at WWOZ's studios (pledge drives, performances, people, and more)
  • Second lines, parades, and backstreet culture (including masking and parading traditions)
  • Live music in New Orleans
  • Jazz Fest

We'll be hosting an opening reception on Friday, November 30 from 5-8p. Hope you can make it! 

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