Uptown Swingers Social Aid and Pleasure Club Parade
Sunday June 25, 2017
Formation Time 3:15pm
Start Time 3:30pm
End Time 7:30pm
Start - 4622 Loyola.
Down Loyola. Right on Valence to Magnolia. Right on Magnolia.
1st Stop - 3450 Magnolia (Buckhouse).
Down Magnolia to Washington. Right on Washington .
2nd Stop - Purple Rain Lounge.
Continue down Washington to Dryades. Left on Dryades...
3rd Stop - Sportsmen Lounge.
Continue Up Dryades. Right on First St to Barrone. Right on Barrone to Washington.
4th Stop - Verret's Lounge.
Up Washingtonto Claiborne. Left on Claiborne to Toledono. Right on Toledono to Rocheblave. Right on Rocheblave.
5th Stop - Fox Bar.
Continue up Washington to Dupre St. Left on Dupre St. Continue Up Dupre St to Eden.
Disband - 4118 Eden.
The Uptown Swingers Social and Pleasure Club would like to dedicate this day to Ms. Reesey... Ms. Naomi... Ms Mary.... Ms. Glonice... Ms. Bridgette... Magnolia Trisha.
Mr. Melvin.... Mr. Nolan.... Mr. Wardell.