City Park - Pavilion of the Two Sisters
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Upcoming Shows
Patron Party 7-8pm | Gala 8-11pm
Lark in the Park will celebrate City Park Conservancy’s mission to preserve and improve City Park. At the Park's signature fundraiser, guests will enjoy a glamorous springtime gala featuring live music, delectable cuisine, and specialty cocktails under the gorgeous and infamous live oaks of City Park. Since 1982, Lark has supported Park capital improvements, general maintenance, and beautification within City Park.
Patron Hour features live music by Steve Masakowski, Gala features live music by Where Y'acht
Tickets: $150 GA (8pm Admission) | $135 FOCP Member (8pm Admission) | $125 Party Flock - Under 35 Years Old (8pm Admission) | $250 Oak Leaf Patron (7pm Admission & Access to Patron Tent)