


In a dream, the Riddler and Alex Trabek asked for this Saturday night's drunk drive time shift theme - songs and quotes that ask a question.
Oh you big baby, don't reach for the TV remote and give up on this theme. New Orleans greats Lloyd Price and Allen Toussaint lead the league in these songs and Fats Domino, Little Sonny Jones, Dr. John and so many others put out some of their finest music under this format.
The real fun is hearing sound clips of familiar quotes between these songs that are also in the form of a question.
Attorney Welch breaking the witch-hunt with "Senator McCarthy, have you no shame?" and
Travis Bickle's "You talkin' to me?"
But as long time listeners know, most of my sound clips are more absurd than New Orleans public access television:
"Klink! What is going on here?"
"Aaaaahhh, what's up doc?
"Spock, what in the name of sanity is going on here?
Midnight Saturday, September 19th to Sunday at 3am. Radio for folks who can't get a Saturday night date - drunks and thinkers.