Everybody knows that the food is a vital part of every New Orleans Jazz Fest, but there's one vendor that really stands out from the sweaty crowds. Mister Okra's "songs" are burned into the subconscious of anyone that has lived in the French Quarter, Fauborg Marigny, or Bywater neighborhoods in the Crescent City. And here he stands as a sort of living exhibit, complete with tricked-out pickup truck full of only the freshest fruits and veggies for sale at a modest price.

Mister Okra (seated) and his traveling produce stand
Fest-goers hailing from parts unknown seemed perplexed at the display, with most opting to stand back, observe, and read up on the man. And all the while, Mister Okra lets them know — as he does every day — what items he has available: "I've got graaaaapes. I've got waaaaaatermelonnn. I've got straaaawwwberries."
Word has it his singing was a little more energetic and varied in his younger days, but those Louisiana strawberries have lost none of their luster.
I have Orrrrrrrenges, I have maaaaaangos!
I love you Mr. Okra!!