Saturday's First Few Shows

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Published on: April 25th, 2009

My second day of Jazz Fest kicked off this morning at the Blues Tent with Henry Gray & the Cats (pictured below) delivering some gorgeous, earthy blues. Believe it or not, it was rockin' enough to inspire a few to dance even at this first show of the day.

Henry Gray and the Cats


Morikeba KouateOn the Jazz & Heritage Stage, Morikeba Kouate Kora Konnection of Senegal & Friends provided a pleasant world music experience — just right for sitting down and relaxing. Kora master Morikeba's (pictured at right) unflappably pleasant demeanor kept up between songs, when his sense of humor helped him address the crowd in a direct manner hard to find at outdoor festivals.

The Imagination Movers (pictured below) were definitely a different sight compared to the normal acts at the Acura Stage. But there's no doubt in my mind that their energetic show would have been just as at home in the Kids' Tent. The enormous fleet of baby strollers shored along the side road and crowd of two-headed beasts (fathers with piggybacking children clapping along) contributed to an image I don't think I've seen at any Jazz Fest main stage before.

Imagination Movers

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