2015 Spring Membership Drive Highlights & Thanks - Day 11

Published on: November 5th, 2014

WWOZ would like to thank all of our new & renewing members, show hosts, musicians, volunteers, staff, photographers, engineers and food donors for what we hope will prove to be a highly successful Spring Membership Drive! You're all helping to guard the groove and helping us bring you the music and culture you love. Bravo!

Check out our photo highlights (below) of all the exciting performers and guests, hard-working staff and volunteers, and delicious food from each day of the drive!

Thank you for today's food donations:
If you're a restaurateur who'd like to donate food for a future drive, contact chris@wwoz.org.

Daily Highlights:

Day 11 — Friday, March 13

Musicians:  Treme Brass Band, Alvin Youngblood Heart, and Kermit Ruffins.

Show Hosts & Pitchers: Raymond Kent and Natalia, Keith Hill and Old Man River, Bill De Turk and Lauren Del Rio, Problem Child and Cousin Dimitri, Vin Chary and Russell Shelton.

Phone Bank Volunteers: Austin Alexander, Matt Dewitt Lou Frierson, Trixie Levens, Linda Mauskopf, Andrew Monson, John Redick, Dennis Schiably, Eshyah Selig, Jana Smith, Sissy Wiggin, Sarah Wiley, Chris Williams.

Thanks for the food and beverage provided throughout the drive by: Coca Cola Bottling of Louisiana.

Drive Highlights by Day:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

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