
WWOZ would like to thank everyone who had a part in making our Spring 2018 pledge drive a huge success! Shout outs to all of our new & renewing members, show hosts, musicians, volunteers, staff, photographers, engineers and food donors.
Cheers to all the guardians of the groove!
Daily Recaps
Click here for all 11 daily recaps.
Click here for a gallery of photo highlights from the drive.
Musicians, with video links:
Yoshitaka Tsuji Trio , Honey Island Swamp Band, Jesse McBride, TBC Brass Band, Kenny Neal, Lost Bayou Ramblers, Topsy Chapman & Solid Harmony, David Torkanowsky & Friends, Brother Tyrone & the Mindbenders, Germaine Bazzle, Shake 'Em Up Jazz Band, Benny Bloom's Sonic Bloom , Amanda Shaw, Sierra Green & the Soul Machine, Tom McDermott and Aurora Nealand, Arsene Delay and the Bayou Saints, Calvin Johnson & Native Son, Doro Wat, Caesar Brothers Funk Box, Gaynielle Neville & Afro-disiac, Trapper Keeper, Syncopated Percolators, Mykia Jovan, Keith Stone & Red Gravy, Quiana Lynell, Wendell Brunious & Friends, Irma Thomas, Jane Bunnett & Maqueque, Treme Brass Band .
Show Hosts & Pitchers:
Mark Lamaire & KaTrina and Marcel, Leslie Cooper & Stacy Morigeau, Cole Williams & Action Jackson, Marc Stone & Ashli Richard, TR Johnson & Beth, Neil Pellegrin & Melanie and Sally Young, Breaux Bridges & Jorge, Bill Murray & Ron Phillips, Derrick Freeman & KaTrina, Big D & Marcel, Sondra Bibb & Scott Borne, Rare on the Air & Leslie Cooper, Boudin Man and AA., Scott Borne & KaTrina, Sally Young & Ron Phillips, Michael Dominici & J. Pegues, Midnight Creeper & Michael Longfield, Al Colon & Jorge, George Ingmire & Dale Gunoe/Marcel McGee, Dave Dauterive & KaTrina, Keith Hill & Carrie, Black Mold & Scott Borne and Rachel Shields, Problem Child & Stu Raper, Vin Chary & Lisa the Kitten, Black Mold & Melanie, Ron Phillips & Duane Williams, Sharon Armstrong & Ashli, Yolanda Estrada & Ariana Hall, Dean Ellis & J. Pegues, Tom Roche & Veronica Crumwell, Brice Nice & Scott Borne, Lauren Mastro & J. Pegues, Hazel & Bob Rodrigue, Charles Laborde/Jim Hobbes & Kateri Yaeger, Cousin Dimitri & Jerry Lenaz, Elizabeth Meneray & Ron Phillips, Minister of Swing & Christy Grimes, Eugene Thomas & Sakura Koné, Ol' Man River & KaTrina, Dan Meyer & Melanie, Murf Reeves & Mikayla Braun and April Leigh, Andrew Grafe & Carrie, Maryse & Charles Burchell, Gentilly Jr & Chrity Grimes, Cole Williams & Marcel, Marc Stone & Melanie and Ashli, T.R. Johnson & A.J. Rodrigue, Neil Pellgrin & Jivin' Gene and Sally Young, Breaux Bridges & Duane Williams, Father Ron & Dave Ankers, Derrick Freeman & KaTrina, Big D & Jorge, Sondra Bibb & Veronica Cromwell, Rare on the Air & Leslie Cooper, Scott Borne & KaTrina, Sally Young & Beth, Michael Dominici & Father Ron, Midnight Creeper & Michael Longfield, Al Colon & Noel Waggener, George Ingmire & Duane Williams, Dave Dauterive & KaTrina, Keith Hill & Marcel, Bill DeTurk & Melanie.
Phone Bank Volunteers:
Eugenia Adams, Danny Albert, Kelly Anderson, Harry Ballard, Mary Ann Bischoff, Tommy Boehm, Anne Marie Brown, John Caulkins, Charlie Carr, Chris Castro, Pamela Colbert, Richard Colbert, Joanne Cole, Dick Cole, Louis Crispino, Frances Davis, Susan del Guidice, Melissa DeOrazio, Matt DeOrazio, Mike Dill, Ame Flynn, Michel Gagnier, Mark Grzywacz, Laura Hibbitts, Joellen Johnson, Sharen Martin, John Maske, Michael Mastrogiovanni, Shawn Mayeux, Ron McKay, Jacob Mills, Bob Mugar, Julie Nalibov, Caitlin Palmer, Ebony Parker, Margie Perez, Tony Pitari, Federica Pizzinato, Jyra Phillips, Reid Poole, Jerry Puchalski, Evelyn Raymond, Kevin Rock, Jennifer Sachs, Karen Scott, Betsy Shepherd, David Stets, Mike Thompson, Dianna Thompson, Marta Welden.
Front Desk & Helpers:
Austin Allen, Kelley Anderson, Tommy Boehm, Michelle Bushey, Charlie Carr, John Caulkins, Joanne Cole, Louis Crispino, Richard Dubus, Jerry Dupas, Lea Grzywacz, Laura Hibbitts, Branch Inett, Deej Johnson, April Leigh, Dave Maitland, Sharen Marten, Ron McKay, Noelani Musicaro, Jyra Phillips, Renata R Robertson, Evelyn and Dennis Raymond, Marti Scheel, Jeanne Schmolze, Karen Scott, Betsy Shepherd.
Photographers & Video Camera Operators:
Kichea S. Burt, Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee, Bill Sasser, Mike McAndrew, Marc PoKempner, Leona Strassberg Steiner, Michele Goldfarb, Ken Moldanado, Riece Dudoussat, Tommy McIntosh, Noelani Musicaro
Food donations:
1000 Figs, Buffa's, Bywater Bakery, Cafe Roma, Casa Borrega, Costco, Crabby Jacks, Fresh Market, Horn's, The Joint, Kebab, La Boulangerie, Louisiana Pizza Kitchen, Marjie's Grill, McHardy's, Melt, Mimi's in the Marigny, Moe's Original Bar B Que, MoPho, Mulate's, N.O. Cake Cafe & Bakery, Petite Amelie, Red Gravy, Reginelli's, Robert's, Silk Road, St. James Cheese Company, Tee-Eva.