
WWOZ would like to thank all of our new & renewing members, show hosts, musicians, volunteers, staff, photographers, engineers and food donors for their contributions to a successful Spring Membership Drive! You're all helping to guard the groove and helping us bring you the music and culture you love. Bravo!
Check out our photo and video highlights (below) of all the exciting performers and guests, hardworking staff and volunteers, and delicious food from each day of the drive!
Friday, MARCH 16
Shake 'Em Up Jazz Band
Video: Shake 'Em Up Jazz at 'OZ
Benny Bloom's Sonic Bloom
Video: Benny Bloom's Sonic Bloom at 'OZ
Amanda Shaw
Video: Amanda Shaw at 'OZ
Sierra Green & the Soul Machine
Video: Sierra Green & the Soul Machine at 'OZ
Show Hosts & Pitchers: Dave Dauterive & KaTrina, Keith Hill & Carrie, Black Mold & Scott Borne and Rachel Shields, Problem Child & Stu Raper, Vin Chary & Lisa the Kitten, Black Mold & Melanie
Phone Bank Volunteers: John Maske, Melissa deOrazio, Matt DeOrazio, Joanne Cole, Dick Cole, Jerry Pulchalski, Julie Nalibov, Pamela Colbert, Michel Gagnier
Front Desk & Helpers:Austin Allen, Joanne Cole, Tommy Boehm, Renata R Robertson
Photographers: Michele Goldfarb, Bill Sasser
Food donations: Cake Cafe, Reginelli's, The Joint, and Buffa's. If you're a restaurateur who'd like to donate food for a future drive, contact