Katrina Remembrances

Published on: August 27th, 2008

For the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on Friday, WWOZ has compiled a list of Katrina Remembrances. To find out what else is happening in New Orleans' cultural life, see our Community Events page.

Levees.org Debuts Katrina Film

Thursday, Aug. 28 at 6:30 p.m.

On the eve of the anniversary of the worst engineering failure in U.S. history, the grassroots group Levees.org will host a premiere of the new documentary, Katrina Myth: The Truth About a Thoroughly Unnatural Disaster, at Touro Synagogue, 4238 St. Charles Avenue.

Simultaneous with the live premiere in New Orleans, over 70 individuals in 20 states will host home screenings of the film to bring awareness about the levee situation to the whole country. The New Orleans premiere is free and open to the public. To reserve a seat, go to Levees.org or call (504) 269-2650.

3rd Annual New Orleans Katrina March & Commemoration

Friday, August 29 at 9 a.m.

The day of commemoration will begin with a healing ceremony at the site of the Lower 9th Ward levee breech at Jourdan and North Galvez Streets. Following the ceremony, the 3rd Annual Katrina Commemoration March will honor those lost during Hurricane Katrina and "The Great Flood." The march down North Claiborne Avenue will end up at Hunter's Field, at North Claiborne and St. Bernard, where a Commemoration Program will start at 12:30 p.m.

Presented by The New Orleans Katrina Foundation, the event will provide an opportunity for local organizers, activists, and citizens to address critical issues such as affordable housing, healthcare, education, and the prison industrial complex. For more information, please visit the New Orleans Katrina Commemoration website or call (504) 208-0555.

Day of Observance — "Empowering, Educating, and Enlightening"

Friday, August 29 at 9 a.m.

The New Orleans Council on Aging (NOCOA) will be holding a Day of Observance for older adults on at the Allie Mae Williams Auditorium, 2101 Phillip Street. The Day of Observance is for local older adults to pay tribute to the losses and to look ahead to the future. Not only do the older adults get an uplifting message but also important information on emergency preparedness and safety. Thomas B. Watson, III, Senior Pastor of Watson Memorial Teaching Ministries will serve as the Keynote Speaker and provide words of inspiration. For information, please call (504) 821-4121.

Sankofa Second-Line and Community Festival

Friday, August 29 from 1 to 7 p.m.

"Remembering Storms of the Past — Building a Brighter Future" is the theme for this day of remembrance, celebration and uprising to mark the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

The second-line celebration will feature music from the Rebirth Brass Band, and will go from Galvez Street and Martin Luther King Blvd. to the Tremé Community Center at 1600 Saint Philip Street. A rally and community festival will follow, with residents raising their voices on critical issues and community artists telling stories of triumph. Check out Sankofa NOLA's website for more information.

Volunteers are needed for various jobs like serving food, leading chants, and cleaning up. If you would like to get involved, please call Ursula Price at (504) 522-3949, extension 223 or email ursula@safestreetsnola.org.

"Our Faith, Our Vote" Rally for Recovery

Saturday, August 30 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

A broad coalition of community organizations are uniting to present a Rally for Recovery aimed at helping residents cope with common recovery issues. The rally will take place at the Superdome, Pantheon Café, Gate D, on the Plaza level. Valuable information will be shared with citizens to educate them on how to protect their voting rights, as well as how to avoid Road Home problems and contractor fraud. Voting registration will be offered on-site. For more information, call Rev. Dr. Carl P. Wallace at (216) 408-2420 or Minister Brenda Square at (504) 259-8702.

Hands Around the Dome

Saturday, August 30 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

To commemorate the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster and its aftermath, the African American Leadership Project will host its Third Annual "Hands Around the Dome Ceremony" on the Plaza level at the Superdome (parking is free).

"Hands Around the Dome" serves as a reminder of the suffering and loss from the Katrina disaster, and it affirms our resolve to restore our lives and rebuild our city. The public is welcome and encouraged to participate, to remind the country that New Orleans is still in recovery and that folks are still struggling to return. For more information, call (713) 376- 3364.

Katrina Remembrance Service at Trinity Episcopal Church

Sunday, August 31 at 6 p.m.

The public is warmly welcomed to a special Service of Remembrance hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church, 1329 Jackson Avenue. Scriptural passages and music will be woven with first-person narratives of people transformed by their experience with the storm and recovery. Musical guests include the Dillard Choir and Crescent City Lights Youth Theater Choir.

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