WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
I would like to ask for a little help from the WWOZ listeners. As a result of
my having to most complete collection of WWOZ CD's I have become the
archievist for the collection. I need your help with two of the CD's. CD
number 2 and number 9.
For #2, I need to borrow a copy...
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Whether you’re doing the Mississippi Slow Drag or the New Orleans Shuffle, you’re in the right place. During the program, we’ll be exploring music from the 1920s, when Blues and Jazz were musically closer with Luke Winslow-King, and then continue on into the 30s and 40s where ...
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Entergy trucks, neighbors and friendly strangers asking how I'm doing how I
fared, Mississippi river bike ride, lights being fixed on Canal Street, news
crews packing it up yet some still trying to get the story disappointed they
didn't get their Katrina anniversary Emmy wi...
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I hope to be able to present a South African edition of the World Journey
this Saturday and feature music that I learned about and picked up while I
was there with the WWOZ team that went to the Joy of Jazz Festival in
Johannesburg last week. It was the end of a dry winter...
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New Orleans is a city of endless possibilities. 48 hours will be just enough
to tantalize your taste buds and convince you to come running back for more
at first chance. No need to rush! New Orleans moves at a pace unlike any
other place. Stroll the quarter, rent a bike and...
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Tune in this week as we read listener emails about things to do in the Crescent City, musically, food related and otherwise, with music by Dr. John, Tab Benoit, Eric Lindell and many others.
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George Ingmire and I are in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the Joy of Jazz
festival which started today, Thursday, 23 August. We hope to bring you a
broadcast from here during my World Journey show this Saturday. I will be
co-hosting a Saturday show here with a woman who...
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