WWOZ Latest

WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.

"Coffee, Anyone?"

Tue, 11/20/12
Authored by George Ingmire
Tune in this week for an hour of the Rob Wagner Trio, recorded live at Snug Harbor Jazz Bistro. We also stop by Morning Call to celebrate their new coffee shop in City Park. And for those who need a second cup of coffee, don’t despair, as we visit the Neutral Ground Coffeeho... Read more

Riccardo Crespo - My New Orleans

Mon, 11/19/12
Authored by Zachary Young

The Heritage School of Music

Mon, 11/19/12
At 'OZ, we think music education is vitally important to our community, so we're giving a shout out to the Heritage School of Music, which provides free, weekly instruction to teenagers from throughout the New Orleans region. Students who have passed through the Heritage Schoo... Read more

Saturday Midnight - Listener Letters

Sun, 11/18/12
Authored by Jamie Dell'Apa
Who listens to my Saturday midnight radio show that originates from the French Quarter?   People who are not your typical Volvo drivin', latte' and tofu feastin,' overly-earnest public radio listeners.   Nope, not to a show that features; "music you've never heard by musici... Read more

Leroy Jones - My New Orleans

Wed, 11/14/12
Authored by Zachary Young

"If I Only Had a Trane"

Tue, 11/13/12
Authored by George Ingmire
On today’s program, we start off with the voice and piano playing of New Orleans native Matt Lemmler, followed by the hot jazz harmonies of the Pfister Sisters, a band that carries on the tradition of the Boswell sisters. Later on, we’ll meet up with Trixie Minx, a Burlesque d... Read more

In Memoriam: Bob French

Mon, 11/12/12
It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Robert "Bob" French, a fine New Orleans musician and an irreplaceable member of the WWOZ family as host of “French Cooking” and other shows featuring New Orleans music. Read more

WFMU Support and Other Post-Sandy Developments

Mon, 11/12/12
The devastation and continued suffering left behind by Hurricane Sandy hits home for New Orleanians, and we understand that recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. As the rest of the country moves on to the latest story, we know that progress and healing don't happen with in the... Read more

WWOZ Show Hosts' Favorite Albums of 2013

Mon, 11/12/12
WWOZ's show hosts have begun compiling lists of their favorite recordings of 2013. When it's time to shop for your favorite music lovers (or yourself!), let those-in-the-know point you to the latest & greatest sounds in the universe! Read more

WWOZ Show Hosts' Favorite Albums of 2014

Mon, 11/12/12
WWOZ's show hosts have begun compiling lists of their favorite recordings of 2014. When it's time to shop for your favorite music lovers (or yourself!), let those-in-the-know point you to the latest & greatest sounds in the universe! Read more

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