Dear Listener,
How can we ever thank you for your over-the-top response to our Spring Membership Drive? The mood is decidedly upbeat here at ‘OZ Central, as our 100 or so volunteer show hosts, 250-or-so supporting volunteers and smattering of paid staff read your positive comments on the pledge forms or hear them when you phone in your pledge.
Thank you, THANK you, thank YOU!
Even as we float on air (so to speak), we are busy making your membership even more valuable — with more space and more activities in the WWOZ Hospitality area at Jazz Fest, a live broadcast from this year's Washington, D.C., Jazz Fest, new mobile apps, and our upcoming 30th anniversary celebration (can you believe it?).
Thanks for helping us keep the music you care about alive — and all the way live.
Yours in Super Sundays and Babatunjis,

David Freedman
General Manager
Spring Drive Thank You & Highlights
We have so many people to thank for making our Spring Membership Drive a success: A total of 1691 members joined or renewed, breezing past our goal of 1400. And there were so many amazing moments — like like Irma Thomas, Harry Shearer, and David Torkanowsky (pictured) helping us get 100 pledges in a single show. The musicians, volunteers, staff, show hosts, and food establishments who donated their time and talent, as well as the new and renewing members who contributed, each deserve a medal for their service to the New Orleans community. Remember, you don’t need to wait for a drive to donate — pledges are welcome all year round!
» See amazing moments from the Spring 2010 Membership Drive
» Find your name on our list of Spring Drive volunteers and food donors
French Quarter Fest 2010
It’s not just “the fest before Jazz Fest.” French Quarter Fest is the largest free music festival in the South, and it takes over the entire French Quarter April 9-11. This is the perfect opportunity to see scores of the best acts the Crescent City has to offer, all in one location. Throw in
food from places like Antoine’s, The Joint and Jaques-Imo’s, and we promise it’ll be a weekend to remember. We’ll be broadcasting live from the festival, so stay tuned to our live broadcast page for details.
» Read more about our live broadcast from French Quarter Fest
» See the full performer lineup at French Quarter Fest online
Brass Pass Pickup Info
Whether you bought your Brass Pass sometime
last year or just last week during our Spring Drive, you’re probably anxious to get your hands on it. We’ll be setting up shop at Whole Foods in Metairie on March 20 and in Uptown New Orleans on March 21, so you can come and claim your magical key to Jazz Fest 2010 and the ‘OZ Hospitality Tent in person. You can also pick your Brass Pass up at French Quarter Fest, at WWOZ on April 19-22, or at Will Call during the Fest.
» Get more info about picking up your 2010 Brass Pass
» Buy a Brass Pass now while supplies last
» Why WWOZ Brass Passes are the best ticket to Jazz Fest
Show Host Spotlight: George Ingmire
In celebration of the 50th “New Orleans All the Way Live” program, we asked producer/host (and ‘OZ deejay) George Ingmire a few questions to get a peek behind the scenes. The audio documentary series has been picked up in syndication by over 50 stations in its first year, and it’s available on-demand at Each show focuses on the musicians, cuisine, and culture of New Orleans, and few are as good at presenting it as well as Mr. Ingmire.
» Read our interview with producer/deejay George Ingmire
» Listen to “New Orleans All the Way Live” on-demand
'OZ In the News
WWOZ keeps getting loving attention in the news, ranging from our 30th anniversary and the ‘OZ iPhone app to our presence in HBO’s “Treme” series and our Haiti relief efforts. In particular, show host Tom Morgan (pictured) has been getting accolades for his recent book of early New Orleans Jazz photos. We thank local and national media for helping spread the word about ‘OZ across neighborhoods, countries and continents. Check out the latest in our collection of press clippings and listen in on the buzz WWOZ is creating in New Orleans and beyond.
» Read recent pieces about WWOZ in the press
Future-Proofing Our Music
In January, WWOZ received the first of several hard drives full of digitized music made from our vast collection of thousands of hours of unique and irreplaceable recorded performances, thanks to the Grammy Foundation and the Library of Congress. Soon after, Head ‘OZilian David Freedman gave a dazzling presentation at a Grammy Week brunch in front of 300 music industry executives, outlining why and how we’re preserving our music by digitizing it.
» Read David Freedman’s music industry presentation
YLC Kicks Off Wednesday at the Square Concerts
The YLC Wednesday at the Square concert series returns to downtown New Orleans’ Lafayette Square on March 24
with Trombone Shorty and Mia Borders. This year YLC Wednesday at the Square will partner with WWOZ-FM for three live broadcasts. Stay tuned to our Live Broadcast page for details. "We're so excited to partner with the king of live, local music — WWOZ," says Amy Boyle Collins, executive director of the Young Leadership Council, a civic group of young professionals behind the 12-week concert series.
» Read more about the YLC Wednesday at the Square series
March Recipe: Sista Teedy’s Crawfish Étouffée
This month’s recipe comes to us from one of
the most soulful singers in music, Tricia “Teedy” Boutté, who recently sang to President Obama during the Nobel Peace Exhibit in her adopted home of Norway. She may live far away, but her musical and family roots are still here in New Orleans — as this delicious crawfish étouffée recipe will show you. If you like the recipe, then check out Louisiana Cookin' magazine. Subscribe with the promotion code wwoz2010, and they'll donate $5 to WWOZ.
WWOZ Quick Links
Playlists Online
Interested in an artist we played on-air? View playlists posted by our show hosts; use the Search tab to search by song title, band name, CD title or label.
The Swamp Shop is open and chock full of WWOZ gear.
New Orleans Music Calendar
Live music is the life-blood of New Orleans. Check out our online music calendar to find out who's playing where!
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