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WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.

"Cinco de Mayo"

Tue, 04/24/12
Authored by George Ingmire
This week, we get ready for Cinco de Mayo with the Iguanas, captured live at the Mid City Rock and Bowl – we also stop by the Rum House on Magazine and meet up with Jared Zeller for a preview of Bayou Boogaloo. Read more

Help New Orleans Students See the World!

Fri, 04/20/12
Find out how you can help 11 students from Warren Easton High School in New Orleans change their outlook on the world by traveling to Spain and France this summer. Read more

Peter Bergman Tributes

Fri, 04/20/12
Authored by Jamie Dell'Apa
A video tribute to Peter Bergman  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=C_S5m46cT48&NR=1 and Philip Proctor's upcoming radio tribute:   Firesign Theatre's Philip Proctor To Premiere "Tribute to Peter Bergman"  on Joe Bev's Comedy-O-Rama The Comedy-O-Rama Hour wi... Read more

Bruce "Sunpie" Barnes - My New Orleans

Wed, 04/18/12

"Chazmanian Pianos a Comin’"

Tue, 04/17/12
Authored by George Ingmire
As we head deeper into festival season, our musical choices expand exponentially.  With the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival upon us, this week’s show prepares you for the days between the two weekends of Jazz Fest, when Chaz Festival, WWOZ’s Piano Night and Tipitina’... Read more

"Seven Seas"

Tue, 04/10/12
Authored by George Ingmire
Tune in this week for music by the Ed Barrett Trio as well as Twangorama.  In addition to an hour of guitar-centric music on this program, we visit Bart Bell (Crescent Sausage and Pie Company), one of the local chefs competing in the upcoming New Orleans Navy Week Cook off.... Read more

'OZone Email Newsletter for April, 2012

Tue, 04/10/12
In This Issue Jazz Fest WWOZ Live Broadcasts Online Music Calendar Piano Night French Quarter Festival Pick Up Your Brass Pass Mango Freeze WWOZ Broadcasts Live from International Jazz Day New Orleans All ... Read more

Burn Sandmel Burn! Ernie K-Doe: The R&B Emperor of New Orleans Book Release Party April 11!

Sat, 04/07/12
Book release party April 11! Join Ben for his book release party Wednesday, April 11, from 6 to 8 p.m., at 533 Royal Street. Karen Celestan will interview Ben Sandmel about K-Doe and the book. Sales and pre-order pickups begin at 9:30 a.m. at The Shop at The Collection. ... Read more

Winston Turner - My New Orleans

Sat, 04/07/12
Authored by Zachary Young

Sun Ra Documentary

Fri, 04/06/12
Authored by Jamie Dell'Apa
Finally, a documentary that rises to quality of the elusive muse that was Sun Ra.  With insights from former WWOZ show host John Sinclair and sometimes New Orleans resident, Michael Ray.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqZHzpAYVIk&feature=relmfu  Read more

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