WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
There are innumerable Americana songs with Chinese themes. Perhaps more
about China than all the other Asian countries combined. Maybe it's because
the stereotypical riff of Chinese music sounds so much like the cha cha
progression. Or maybe it's every musician's irresis...
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The Marching Crusaders earned a coveted invitation to march in the Rose Parade on January 1, 2013. With 40 million viewers tuning in from around the world, this will be a mighty big spotlight shining on an incredible bunch of young musicians.
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On the airwaves and on the streets, we are sending out a bear hug of groovy 'OZ love in hopes of making sure your day is a fabulous one! Thank you so much for tuning in and being a part of WWOZ!
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Today's show features Saxophonist, Flautist and Clarinet player Rex Gregory, a jazz musician whose philosophical ideas influence his compositions as much as his teachers and collaborators do. This show was recorded at the Blue Nile. On this recording, Rex is joined on stage by...
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Lots of performers come up with Christmas
albums, so here is a quick list of some of the Zydeco and Cajun music CDs out
One of the earliest Cajun Christmas CDs was
Jambalaya Cajun Band’s Joyeux Noel. Released in in 1994 on Swallow
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As we present the best new jazz releases of 2012, this show is going to
celebrate jazz divas.
Happily, our opening guests will be Ingrid Lucia and Margie Perez, two of the
New Orleans Nightingales Revue. Their CD is the brainchild of Ingrid Lucia
and is a showcase of some ...
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Beware my friends, only a couple days until Bill & Juilie's Annual
Frightening Holiday Music Experience. This Friday the 21st, 11 - 2. And you
thought the world was ending before...
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Tune in Thursday, December 2oth, 9- 11AM New Orleans time (5 days before
Christmas!) for a little lagniappe:
The 2012 Christmas Edition of Sally Young's Traditional Jazz Show. Two hours
of, you guessed it, holiday music, featuring songs not often heard at the
She's ma...
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