WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
Y'all get ready because we're bringing you the blues this Tuesday - 8/3/10 at
10 PM CST.
First we'll put on the great documentary "Still Singing the Blues" produced
by hard working radiomen Barry Yeoman and Richard Ziglar.
As they say, "Louisiana’s Interstate-10 corridor b...
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On today’s show, we explore the musical ties among New Orleans, Brazil,
Chicago by way of musicians Ray Moore and Jeff Albert.
Culinary Crossroads: La Boca, a restaurant in the Central Business District
of New Orleans.
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“A red second hand guitar with a bunch of knobs and switches, plugged into
a Sears & Roebuck amplifier, an ass pocket of Jack Daniels and a box of fried
chicken, riding towards a cabin set deep in the Mississippi backwood…**
Chulahoma trrance blues lives on in the drone and...
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Ceasar Elloie will be dropping in Thursday @ 10:00a.m. to talk about his show
that night @ Harrah's in the Masquerade Room. There are 2 shows, 6 & 7:45.
Ceasar has a new CD called " New Orleans to Paris ", featuring a host of
musical luminaries. Be sure to tune in !!
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Thanks to everyone who showed up to support the good people of Grand Isle at
the First Annual Island Aid Music Festival held on Saturday July 24, 2010.
Come on down next year and pass a good time with us!
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Trout did a fine job with "Crossroad" this week, I had a chance to listen
while in Cherokee to do a little gem mining.
Libby and I are at our "summer / retirement" home in North Carolina for the
week. As I said we went to Cherokee and found a lovely garnet (2 caret) that
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The New Orleans Musicians' Clinic has provided medical care to this city's musicians since 1998. Facing a 90% cut in funding, the Clinic now needs your help. Find out about local fundraiser events aimed at keeping the Clinic's doors open, and watch a video plea from several of...
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In the twilight mist, and the waning light of the stormy swamps of my
twisted mind there is a place where I can always hear the sound of Brother
Dege’s gothic blues.
On his new album “Folk Songs of the American Longhair” angels of death
fly over the city as the ominously t...
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We start today's show by doing the "Dap Walk" with funk pioneer Ernie
Vincent. Then we stop in for brunch at Bywater BBQ, and later, we shake it up
with Brother Tyrone and the Mindbenders. At the end, we'll wind down with a
nightcap at Chickie Wah Wah, a music club on Canal...
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