WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
Post Millennial Tension via Folk Forms. A hard row to hoe. Bittersweet guitar
pleads for mercy. Brother Dege represents the the modern primitive backlash
against the madness and angst of the 21st century.
In a country where the jails are full, and the soul is being drained...
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Courtesy of Chef Todd Pulsinelli, American Sector, New Orleans. If you like the recipe, then check out Louisiana Cookin' magazine. Subscribe with the promotion code wwoz2010, and they'll donate $5 to WWOZ.
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The Rhythm Room
Tune in Friday, August 20th from 10-12 pm for the debut of a new series that
will pair off two Crescent City selectors in a friendly battle of musical
minds as they spar to keep your toes tappin' and your head snappin'.
First up on the...
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Elizabeth Meneray and Your Cousin Dimitri tag team on Thursday, August 12
starting at 4 pm (New Orleans time) to play the best in contemporary jazz for
you...in vinyl only!
Join us for that hot, warm, groovy sound in 33 rpm's, just the way yer daddy
liked it.
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What's your vinyl story?
For me, it was visits to the record store on the weekend. With my allowance
and a few extra dollars subsidized by my nana Ingmire, I searched the bins
for vinyl like someone on a treasure hunt. Years later, I'd abandoned
records for the less subs...
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Please join me at 4 p.m. CDT for "Jazz from The French Market." I've been
gone for seven weeks and really missed doing the show. But thanks to Jeff
Greenberg, who very ably put together some top notch shows in my stead, I was
able to hear jazz like I like it by way of Oz's ...
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On today’s show, we check out the Maple Leaf Bar on Oak Street in Uptown
New Orleans. Throughout the years, poets, piano players and propagators of
funk have made the Maple Leaf their home away from home.
We'll hear some live music from Maple Leaf regulars Papa Grows Funk ...
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Wow! Yesterday was WWOZ at it's best. As I traveled the last leg of a
grueling 1,200 mile trip to Baltimore yesterday, I was accompanied by a
beautiful hitchhiker - the WWOZ Iphone application. A hitchhiker who told
amazing stories and played great music in the form of ...
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