WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
Whether or not you made it down to Armstrong Park, you'll enjoy perusing these photo highlights from this year's Congo Square New World Rhythms Festival and Class Got Brass competition.
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Springtime in New Orleans is synonymous with Festival season. This week we celebrate the upcoming 30th annual French Quarter Festival, taking place April 11th-14th. On today’s program, we listen to musical highlights from the Festival recorded by WWOZ over the years. Alongsi...
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Everyone likes a goood second line we, well we have one Saturday March 30 at
8am and it will be in the rear of the classic.
Who wants to Second Line??
This is your chance to strut your stuff and show your support for WWOZ!
As most of you, a few weeks ago I would have never co...
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The Pedrito Martinez Group will be playing Friday, March 22, at Tipitinas.
Show starts at 9PM. The group will also be featured at the Congo Square World
Rhythm Festival Saturday, March 23rd.
Cuban percussionist and bandleader Pedrito Martinez is on tour to promote
his ne...
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A Catholic Mass will be celebrated on Palm Sunday in memory of New Orleans music legend Wardell Quezergue, featuring a Passion he set to music before he died.
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Congo Square New World Rhythms Festival
Spring Membership Drive Highlights
Pick Up Your Brass Pass!
French Quarter Fest 2013
Benefit for Wess Anderson at Howlin' Wolf
Piano Night 2013
We're Powering Up: WW...
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When Robert Johnson recorded his song “Crossroad Blues”, he was not
singing about some nondescript intersection, he was singing about a very
specific place in the flat delta plain between the Yazoo and Mississippi
Rivers. A place known by all and visited by only a very few....
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New Orleans is experiencing a culinary renaissance throughout the city. In addition to that, neighborhoods throughout New Orleans are being revitalized with old architecture being given new life. Today’s program will focus on one such area along an 8-block stretch of Freret S...
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Who wants to Second Line??
This is your chance to strut your stuff and show your support for WWOZ!
As most of you, a few weeks ago I would have never considered taking part in
the Crescent City Classic. Then I found out that WWOZ was raising funds for
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WWOZ volunteer and spoken word artist, Kataalyst, reflects on the meaning of Super Super and the Mardi Gras Indian tradition before the Uptown Super Sunday festivities that took place on March 17.
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