
On today’s show, we meet up with two musicians, John Rankin and Bob Andrews, who live in New Orleans. One grew up in the city from an early age, the other moved there after a fairly successful musical career in England.
In addition to music, we enjoy part two of our three part series on holiday menu know as Reveillon. This week, we meet up with John Folse of Restaurant R'evolution to enjoy five courses of food, spread out over today’s program.
The word "reveillon" comes from a French word meaning "awaken." Creole Catholic families looked forward to coming home from midnight mass on Christmas and New Year's eve to the reveillon meal awaiting them, a feast that stretched into the early hours of the following day. The tradition faded away early in the twentieth century, but was re-awakened with vigor in the 1990s in a new format. In New Orleans, December is now celebrated in over 40 local restaurants with the Reveillon menus, set four or five course meals showcasing the many unique flavors of New Orleans. Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 3 of this series featuring Crescent City chefs offering Reveillon menus this holiday season.