6th Annual Baton Rouge Soul Food Festival Pre-Party

Thursday, May 18, 2023 - 7:00pm to 11:30pm
The 6th Annual Baton Rouge Soul Food Festival Pre-party will be held on Thursday, May 18 at Henry Turner Jr.’s Listening Room located at 2733 North Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802, from 7:00pm midnight. Admission is $30.00 and includes a Soul Food buffet and No-host bar. For more information call 225-802-9681 or visit www.brsoulfoodfest.com. The event is a sneak peek at talent scheduled for the festival on May 20 and 21. The stage lineup is expected to include Henry Turner Jr. & Flavor and the Listening Room All-stars Larry “LZ” Dillon, Jim Masters and Ervin “Maestro” Foster, Kelton ‘Nspire Harper and the Motivational Band, Pastor Leon Hitchens, Owen Scott, Xavie Shorts, Kevin White, poet Sir AP, comedian Eddie “Cool” Deemer and country singer Susie Shepard, along with special guests,

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