Lower 9th Ward Street Library's
Children's Book Parade
in Central City
Saturday, May 7, 1 – 3pm
QUEEN: Latoya Cantrell, Councilmember District B
Parade assembles at 12:30 PM at the Ashe Cultural Arts Center, 1712 O.C. Haley Blvd.
A voter’s registration table staffed by members of “A Community Voice” will be set up in front of Ashe.
First Stop: On Faith Donuts
Corner of MLK Jr. Blvd and Willow Street
Second Stop: A.L. Davis Park
Refreshments provided by Amerigroup, Louisiana, Inc.
Third stop: Mahalia Jackson Elementary School parking lot
Refreshments provided by Dryades Public Market.
New Orleans Public Library will offer Summer Reading program sign up and information.
Parade disbands at Ashe Cultural Arts Center.
All children wishing to march should dress up as their favorite story character, wear comfortable shoes and be accompanied by an adult.
Lower 9th Ward Street Library will not admit nor be responsible for unaccompanied children.
Children along the parade route will receive books from the Nola Book Lady and Bess the Book Bus!
Music by the Kuumba Institute drummers and Gene’s Music Machine.
This parade intends to promote literacy and celebrate the music and culture of New Orleans. Come to have fun and share in positive energy!
For more information on what we do please visit our website: www.Lower9StreetLibrary.org or call us at (917)549.6273. Ms. Laurence.