Army Men

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Published on: February 26th, 2013

army man demo team.jpeg

Grey army men
Their Guys - Demolition Team

army men.jpeg

Army men fighting Godzilla
Army Men in Action


From: Jamie Dell'Apa  
To: Damond 
Subject: Army men 
Sent: Tue, Feb 26, 2013 4:01:46 AM 

I was in a business meeting when you called so I couldn't conduct the one-sided phone conversation of this email without being declared insane by everyone in my office.
I take it you found the army men in the studio.  Yep, I put them in there.  They'll protect your equipment.  
As you might remember from your youth, green army men are ruthless little bastards.  Three of them can hold off an entire army or Godzilla.  Born killers and they never sleep.  Outside of nine-year-olds with a magnifying glass, they're not afraid of anything.  
I was thinking about that recent intermittent problem in the ipod channel.  Engineering causation?  Maybe, but frayed wires and broken solder joints don't just happen by themselves.  Good chance they were sabotaged by a grey army man demolition team.  Not that we'll ever know, grey army men's demo teams always pack out their plastic shavings.   
I think those three green army men ought to prevent any future problems.  Think of them as an extended warrantee protection on the equipment.  And don't worry about them breeding like microbes in a Pitre Dish.  I sterilized all of them in the microwave.  
Jamie Dell'Apa
Saturday midnight to Sunday 3am
Americana music from the 1950s to the 1970s.  "Music you've never heard by musicians you've never heard of..."


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