
Throughout the ages there has always a segment of society who yearn to take the stage and perform for others.
Whether it was musicians, poets, writers, jugglers, or even the jester, it was a certainty that they derived as much pleasure plying their craft, as the public enjoyed listening or viewing them.
In addition to the music scene we have come to know and appreciate in New Orleans, more and more people are becoming aware of a secondary music scene that goes on in town or the surrounding areas just about every night of the week. This is the second tier, amateur and professional musicians, comedians and poets alike come together at bars, restaurants and coffeehouses to hone their performance skills. We call these nights Open Mic Night. These regular get-togethers serve a number of purposes. First and foremost, the open mic environment allows artists to develop and perfect music they are working on. It also gives them the opportunity to sharpen their stage presence and hone their repartee. There is camaraderie among the musicians and other performance artists that allows a degree of networking to take place. It is not uncommon to see people playing together, who were nodding acquaintances in the previous weeks. It is a win/ win situation for everyone who participates.
Uptown, at Third and Constance, Parasol ‘s Restaurant and Bar have had an open mic every other Monday for the last 6 months or so in their dining room. With the retirement of Parasol’s previous open mic host, the owners of Parasol’s, John and Thea Hogan have decided to take the open mic experience in a slightly different direction. John is a fan of artists such as Bob Dylan, John Prine and folk music in general, favors the new approach of having a song circle every Monday night. All musicians, no matter of your ability, are invited to bring their favorite cover tunes