


Knock Knock Joke
Another midnight to 3am shift of entertaining Saturday night drunk drivers. Tonight's musical features include the swamp sound extending from Louisiana to Houston with songs from Excello and Duke / Peacock labels. We'll also give our recent Wild Jimmy Spruill feature an encore and explore a couple Danny Barker influenced songs from the Lost Bayou Ramblers and Esquerita. Ah who am I kidding, I'll focus on that New Orleans sound of the 50s to 70s as I do every Saturday night. And yes, there will be the interactive media set where you and I dance to dance instructional songs. Call it hyperactive interactive media but it is sure more interesting than the other interactive media which offers some troll's comments about something they don't understand.
While we're on the 50's version of modern media, we'll finish up the show with the 50' to 70's version of social media. Before social media like Facebook, the critical social media was, well, your front door. Knocking on a front door was how you would announce your friendship intention and their reaction determined whether you had a friend. Sometimes the door owner wouldn't answer, sometimes they would send someone else out to say they weren't home, sometimes (so I hear) they would actually answer the door and welcome your friendship. Just like today's internet, there were all these creepy sales folks who would piggyback on then social media by doing door-to-door sales. That's how we bought our encyclopedia and vacuum cleaner. I still remember hiding in the stairway with my mom when other door-to-door sales goons would come knocking.
With so much emotion at stake, there are plenty of songs about those front door moments when you're "friended or de-friended."
Here's the archived show:
Oh yeah, Huey Long's early career included a long stint selling door-to-door. Me? Oh my facebook page has one friend - Rayvon Reid, a bounty hunter.
Here's the plan -
110828 129 songs
Name Time Album Artist
The Outer Limits #1 Opening 1 0:23 Jamie Show
Station Identification 0:07 Station ID Cara Dell'Apa
I'm Lost <saturday night> 1:41 Bad Boy Mickey Hawks
Mr. know it all unlimitedMisinformat… 0:10
laughingAtName 0:11
smelledAsBad 0:06
suingPleasure 0:06
moralCompass 0:06
boredomMonotony 0:09
One More Chance 2:35 Sound Of The Swamp: The Best Of E… Carol Fran
Holy mashed potatoes 2 0:02 Batman and Robin Robin
Hot Potato 2:11 Wrangler City Ruthie And The Wranglers
Stop pointing guns or get a bigger g… 0:05
Havin' A Whole Lot Of Fun 1:59 Sound Of The Swamp: The Best Of E… Johnny Jano
but you said, never mind what I said 0:03
I Would Be A Sinner 2:04 Sound Of The Swamp: The Best Of E… Charles Sheffield
Cotton Pickin' 1:35 The Last Great Rockabilly Saturday… Mickey Hawks
Genevieve- Huey Smith- Ace 1 2:26
Dragon Walk- The Nobelmen- USA 1 1:47
This means war 0:03
How Can You Be So Mean 2:31 The Best Of Duke-Peacock Blues Johnny Ace
hal_bye 0:05
Goodbye 2:45 The United Records Story The Pastels
If you want him come and claim him 0:03
Don't You Wanna Man Like Me 2:02 Sound Of The Swamp: The Best Of E… Jay Nelson
Memphis 2:17 Wild Jimmy Spruill-Scratch 'n Twist… Dan-Dees
People like you, afraid school 0:04 X Men Mystique
Little School Girl 1:40 Wild Jimmy Spruill-Scratch 'n Twist… Jim & Bob Harrison
Cut And Dried 2:27 Wild Jimmy Spruill-Scratch 'n Twist… Spruill, Wild Jimmy
Its alive 0:02 Frankenstien original
You Can Get Him Frankenstein 2:34 Scary Songs Castle Kings
It's alive 0:07 Young Frankenstine
Sweet Little Girl <Kansas City progr… 2:39 Wild Jimmy Spruill-Scratch 'n Twist… Lynn Taylor & Peachettes
Kansas City March 2:41 Wild Jimmy Spruill-Scratch 'n Twist… Spruill, Wild Jimmy
Stowaway. Search the ship. She's n… 0:11
Mississippi Steamboat <ship boat tr… 2:49 The Best Of Duke-Peacock Blues Fenton Robinson
Tiny's Boogie 3:00 The United Records Story Tiny Grimes
Look at you and im home 0:05
She Set My Soul On Fire <Houston T… 2:54 The Best Of Duke-Peacock Blues Sonny Parker
Tootie Ma Is A Big Fine Thing 3:08 New Orleans To New York 1949-1964 Danny Barker
No place this place place <joint bar… 0:05 Three Stooges
Dew Drop Inn 2:18 The Hound - December 26, 1992 Esquerita
worthless quiters way out 0:04
This Should Go On Forever 2:50 Sound Of The Swamp: The Best Of E… Guitar Gable
I must not cry 0:07
Mathilda 3:12 Kings Of Swamp Pop Cookie & The Cupcakes
I'm new to this escaped prisoner crap 0:03
Prisoner Song 2:53 Sound Of The Swamp: The Best Of E… Warren Storm
Hippy Hippy Shake <Rene Hall arran… 1:44 The Del-Fi & Donna Story Chan Romero <Rene Hall arrange an…
Insane in the membrane 0:02
Dizzy Miss Lizzy (Ext Specialty 626… 2:52 Larry Williams - At His Finest Special… Ace Records
Being a super hero is hard Im tired 0:06 Harvey Birdman
I Ain't Gonna Do It No More 2:29 Chess New Orleans [2/2] {Detailed-I… Bobby Charles
Let's go get drunk 0:04 Futurama Bender
Sister Lucy <drunk rampart street> 2:29 The Cosimo Matassa Story: Cat Music Bobby Mitchell & The Toppers
fooledem 0:08
Little Coquette 2:14 The Cosimo Matassa Story Jimmy Beasley
Stowaway. Search the ship. She's n… 0:11
Searching For My Love 2:32 The Chess Story 1947-1975 (1965-… Bobby Moore & The Rhythm Aces
Hey Pee Wee do you know what time… 0:02 Pee Wee Playhouse Clocky
Every Night About This Time 2:05 Fifties Collection Domino, Fats
nightcap 0:06
In The Night 2:20 The Allen Toussaint Touch Chick Carbo
Meet Me At The Station 3:26 Drawers Trouble Chuck Carbo
Eh La Bas 5:29 New Orleans To New York 1949-1964 Danny Barker
Belle 3:37 Lost Bayou Ramblers
Town Without Pity 3:32 Wrangler City Ruthie And The Wranglers
I'm A Doctor - Medley 0:09 Star Trek Bones
Things I'm Not (The Hula Monsters) 3:07 Americana Motel Hula Monsters
Stop acting so stupid - Fry 0:04 FuFuturama Fry
Cut That Out 2:51 The United Records Story Junior Wells
Keep On Doggin' 2:51 The Best Of Duke-Peacock Blues Rosco Gordon
Fine and Brown (alternate) 2:57 The United Records Story Roosevelt Sykes
I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door 2:04 Wanda Jackson
you rang2 <knock door> 0:03 Munsters Lurch
Knock on my door 2:45 Marvellous Marvelettes Marvelettes
I'm carlton the doorman 0:02
Hot Skillet Mama <knocking> 3:06 Yochanan with Sun Ra's Arkestra
what knockers thank you dr 0:14
Knock Knock <door> 2:07 Carol Fran
Plan 9 friendly intentions 0:07 Movies Plan 9
Comin' Over 1:50 Shirley & Lee
alwaysYourFriend 0:07
Bim Bam Boom <knockin at my back… 2:47 Eldorados
Its Me Knocking 2:28 Spazzy Answer Songs Jeanie and Her Boyfriends
I Hear You Knockin' 2:15 Ponderosa Stomp No. 7 Lazy Lester
Howdy I'm Uncle fester from next d… 0:03
Keep A Knockin' (Take 4) 2:11 the Specialty Sessions (Disc 3) Little Richard
OZ go away come back tomorrow 0:02
No Use Knocking 2:13 Chess New Orleans [1/2] {Detailed-I… Bobby Charles
go away you bother me 0:02 Cartoons Fog Horn Leg Horn
Let the Doorbell Ring 2:26 Larry Dale <guitar/singer><later pl…
keep away from me meathead 0:01 All in the Family Archie Bunker
There He Is (At My Door) 2:22 Vol2 Motown Singles The Vells
My evil self is at that door and 0:05 Movie Forbidden Planet
I Ain't Gonna Let You In <door knoc… 2:33 Ain't No Method To This Blues'n Sou… Paul Gayten And Annie Laurie
I Hear You Knockin' 2:44 Spirit of New Orleans: The Genius of… Lewis, Smiley
Doors close in five seconds _closing_ 0:04
Well I Knocked & I Knocked 2:15 Rockabilly & Hillbilly Bop Volume Eight Gene Vincent & His Blue Caps
Why Don't You Just Go, Get Out, Lea… 0:21
Here You Come Again <knock> 2:35 Watch 45 RPM Crescents & McMillan Sisters
Don't Knock 1:58 Pastels
Doors of the French Quarter 0:33 Jamie
The Rooster <dance> 2:30 Wild Jimmy Spruill-Scratch 'n Twist… Spruill, Wild Jimmy
Patty Cake Shake <dance> 3:01 Wardell Quezerque Sixty Somkin' So… Guitar Ray
The Jet <dance> 2:26 Wardell Quezerque Sixty Somkin' So… Jimmie "J"
(There's Gonna Be A) Showdown 2:38 Tightening It Up: Best Of Archie Bell & The Drells
We're not all drunk!
In fact, dear Jamie, some of us hardly drink at all, instead preparing ourselves for this weekly musical journey we share with you by getting stoned out of our minds.
Shhhh Todd, I'm trying to cover for you.
My favorite quote from a Saturday night caller;
"I'm driving across the Causeway Bridge and I'm so loaded that I'm afraid I'll fall asleep unless you play Freebird."
When the discussion then focused on whether Freebird was an appropriate song for my show instead of all the other horrible problems with the passing-out-drunk-driving-on-the-world's-longest-bridge, I realized there was something substantially wrong with me. Palm to forehead slap - of course, I should have told them to immediately call a commercial station.
The great Todd Fisher went to Harold Chamberlin's Northern California church a couple months ago at the same hour that Harold predicted the end-of-the-world. Todd said the church was closed so he milled around for about an hour then just before leaving, he felt a good California tremor. My kind of guy - Todd Fisher.