Published on:
March 9th, 2010
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Yours for a donation of any amount during "Sittin' At The Crossroad" Wednesday 2:00 to 4:00
For tomorrow's "Sittin' At The Crossroad" my friend Big Daddy O' will join me for the whole show and play some music for us LIVE. My other guest had to cancel due to 'work', she's a movie star too. Olga will join me in two weeks for a live set.
For all of you who join or renew your membership during my show, I have a special gift for you from me. I will send you my "May All Your Blues Be On The Radio" bumper sticker. Regardless of the amount of your donation (within reason), in addition to any premiums from the station, I will personally mail to this bumper sticker that I give to guests and fans of my show. Since I have had a couple of requests, I will autograph it if you prefer. Your support is critical to the strength of WWOZ and its ability to bring your the music you love, this is my way of saying thanks for pledging during Crossroad.