Tom Worrell

Tom Worrell is a pianist of the first degree, a veteran of both the road and the New Orleans music scene, who embodies the spirits of the great Professor Longhair and James Booker whenever he takes the stage. Worrell learned piano at the age of four, and also plays trombone and bass, and sings. He was playing in rock bands when he got hired to tour the world with Solomon Burke, and Burke’s bandleader turned him on to Fess and Booker. Worrell soon joined up with Jumpin’ Johnny Sansone in New Orleans, and he hasn’t looked back. He has worked with a Who’s Who of New Orleans musical talent, including Walter “Wolfman” Washington, the Wild Magnoloas, Deacon John, John Fohl, the 101 Runners, Brother Tyrone, and Big Marva Wright.

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