Glen David Andrews

Trombonist Glen David Andrews embodies the renaissance of the New Orleans brass band sound: rooted in brass and gospel traditions but with an ear to the future.

Born in 1979, Andrews’ prolific musical family includes his brother Derrick Andrews, the snare drummer for the Rebirth Brass Band, trumpeters James “Twelve” Andrews and Glenn Hall, and Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews. He grew up amidst the New Orleans brass band, church, and jazz traditions, and embodies those styles in his music today.

He has played with the Lil Rascals, New Birth, and Treme Brass Bands, with the Preservatoin Hall Jazz Band, The funk band Lazy Six, and with his own band. The Glen David Andrews Band includes James Martin on sax, John Notto on guitar, Ron Williams on bass, and Andrews on trombone and vocals.  Glen David Andrews has released several albums, including the Grammy-nominated gospel CD, “Walking Through Heaven’s Gate (2008) and the brassy “Portrait of The Treme Prince (2019).


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