Published on:
December 14th, 2012
Some of the staff and volunteers at the 2012 Volunteer-Holiday party at Cafe Instanbul.
We have the world's best volunteers!
A community radio like WWOZ is only as strong as its core of volunteers. We have been blessed with great strength.
Volunteers do a lot around here, from staffing the front desk and answering phones, cataloging and digitizing music, assisting on remote broadcasts, answering phones during membership drives, creating content for the web site, photographing events, preparing mailings, and so-so-so much more, including hosting our shows.
Which is why we took time out to celebrate them last night at Cafe Instanbul. The fact that it's the Holiday season and 'OZ's 32nd birthday just added fuel to the celebration.
Find out more about 'OZ volunteer opportunities.
Check out the highlights below.
Volunteer Party
Volunteer Party
AJ Rodrigue Boudin Man and Your Cousin Dimitri at WWOZ Volunteer Appreciation Party.
Duane Williams and Eliza at WWOZ Volunteer Appreciation Party.
Volunteer Party
WWOZ Staff at the Volunteer Party
Volunteer Party
It also happened to be our birthday party!
Volunteer Party
'OZ volunteer Lisa Bacques
2012 volunteer holiday party
Volunteer Party
Volunteer Party
Volunteer Party
Festivities at the 2012 WWOZ Volunteer Holiday Party
Volunteer Party
Sally Young and Dancing Man 504 at WWOZ Volunteer Appreciation Party.
Rick Wilkoff, Sally Young, Eric Ward and Old Man River at WWOZ Volunteer Appreciation Party.
Volunteer Party
Volunteer Party