
Office of Cultural Development/Division of the Arts
2013-2015 Louisiana Musicians Roster Guidelines
The Louisiana Office of Cultural Development Division of the Arts will support a Louisiana Musicians Roster as part of a year-long special initiative with the Office of Tourism celebrating Louisiana Music and Musicians. The purpose of the roster is to support Louisiana musicians who want to tour statewide, regionally, nationally and internationally. It will be used to promote Louisiana's music and musicians at upcoming local, regional and national events including the Association of Performing Arts Presenters conference, the Performing Arts Exchange conference, Grammy events, tourism events, and other conferences and opportunities throughout the year as they arise.
The Louisiana Musicians Roster is a listing of Louisiana artists who are tour-ready and available for statewide, regional, national or international bookings and special events. Each artist must have touring and performing experience. Artists must complete the online application and will be selected for the roster through a peer review process. Louisiana roster artists are professional musicians of excellent quality that have a history of touring or performing in a professional setting. As you consider applying to the roster, ask yourself these questions:
- Are you a Louisiana resident?
- Do you currently tour outside of the parish in which you live?
- Can you provide evidence of your tour history?
- Are you flexible to venue requirements?
- Are you "road experienced"?
- Do you provide outreach, master class or educational activities?
- The applicant must be a legal resident of Louisiana
- The applicant must be a musician or band, group or ensemble who presents music
- The applicant must plan to reside in Louisiana from January 1, 2013 - January 1, 2015
- Applicants must be able to provide evidence of touring or performing experience outside your parish of residence.
The online application must be submitted and accepted through LACGO, and a printed and signed copy of the signature page must be RECEIVED, not postmarked, by 4:30pm CST, on November 16, 2012 in the Louisiana Division of the Arts office. Once the system closes, you will not have access to your application document and materials, so please print your document immediately upon completion. Late applications will not be accepted.
The Louisiana Musicians Roster will be posted and promoted online from January, 2013 through January, 2015
Excellence 50%
- Quality of the artist's work
- Evidence of professional touring activity
- Artist resume
- Samples of work
- Reviews and other support materials
Management Ability 50%
- Indicators of touring preparedness
- History of touring
- Quality of promotional materials
- Reasonable fee structure
(Optional) If you have an Outreach or Education component:
- Activities appropriate for stated age groups
- Samples of tools
- Educational tools that reflect the Louisiana Content Standards
Applications will be reviewed by Division staff for completeness, timeliness and required attachments. A panel with appropriate expertise will be selected to review the applications through a virtual panel process. Panel comments will be collected for all applications and provided to an applicant upon request after December 17, 2012.
After the Assistant Secretary's approval of the roster panel's recommendations, the Division will contract the design and online posting of the Louisiana Musician's Roster. Postings will include an image of each artist, performance description including outreach or educational activity (if available), and contact information. All inquiries, arrangements, and bookings are handled between the presenter and the artist. The Louisiana Division of the Arts reserves the right to withdraw the privilege of Roster membership from an artist. Removal or suspension is not automatic; each case is reviewed individually.
Applicants must submit the following through the LACGO online application system at https://laarts.cgweb.org/
- Complete application
- Work samples that show evidence of the artistic merit of the artist's work
- Resume of up to three pages
- (Optional) Examples of outreach or educational activities
- Copy of artist's standard touring contract with all riders
- Sample promotional materials
If you need information or assistance, please contact Kelly Pepper, Director of Organization Service and Community Development at 225-342-8175 or by email at kpepper@crt.state.la.gov
Louisiana Office of Cultural Development
Division of the Arts
P.O. Box 44247
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
ATTN: Kelly Pepper